Light, shadows and nudity by gianni bonincontro

Light, shadows and nudity by gianni bonincontro Segnalato da Gianni Bonincontro

Gianni Bonincontro

Categoria: Mostre

Data: 10 novembre 2009

Indirizzo: Sequence Bar 43 Essex Road Islington

Nazione: Gran Bretagna

Orario di apertura: from 7pm to 1am

Come arrivare: Angel station

Sito internet:

Referente: @rtItasliaPromos


Light, shadows and nudity; the freedom to be yourself.
Nude photography is generally not a snapshot, but a composed image of a person in a still position. As an art form, nude photography is a stylised depiction of the nude body with the line and form of the human figure as the primary objective.


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